what the hell? Why do i constantly get criticism as of late? I haven't gotten drunk in like 6 months. I think I've only posted drunk once in the last 10 years, and i bet I made more sense than usual!
What did I do Dasmos? Why do you hate me so
Is it the pictures? It was like 2 times in the last couple years that i made massive picture posts. That was only because I created a thread so i could see everybody else's picture. If i didn't know what any of you looked like i would be talking to half naked Samas Aran, indigo and green squirrels, and Spikey Abstract Ninja Tribal Star esque designs.
Was it the talk of relationships? That was basically just an update from some thread Animecyberrat posted. I just happen to remember old threads from way back. Vudu does basically the same thing.
Is it the Ask ThePerm thread? Crap there haven't been any games I've been interested in lately. At least none that i get all fan struck by. Mad World is about the only game that looks interesting right now. I doubt i'll get that though either. I've been broke as of lately. So, focusing on gaming to me just seems like an expensive hobby, which is why I haven't been too into anything. Only like really groundbreaking stuff is going to get me, most things aren't going to be groundbreaking though. I've been playing games for years, most of the time its been there done that. Or its been there and done that, and i remember it was implemented better. Or i'll be watching someone play a game and they'll be amazed by the graphics or something, and i just won't be impressed. Like Call of Duty 4...i just don't get it. It looks like everyone who plays it is having tremendous fun, but there is no appeal to me. Maybe i don't like realistic games, maybe while playing a game i have to be brought into another world as some sort of escapism.