Author Topic: Nintendo Downloads - August 9, 2018  (Read 1719 times)

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Nintendo Downloads - August 9, 2018
« on: August 06, 2018, 02:00:00 AM »

Wanted: A week that is anywhere near as dead as my Twitter account.

Forget a busy week, Tuesday alone would be enough to break most of us. There's the ultimate indie game - a randomly generated exploration platformer - in Dead Cells, or maybe you'd like to tackle the multiplayer mayhem of Overcooked 2. Flipping Death has been long anticipated, and there's something called Super Blackjack Battle II Turbo coming out on the heels of EVO 2018.

The rest of the week offers a couple of its own big hitters in Okami HD - which should be good for about 60 hours on its own - and the much faster-paced take on Zelda in Minit. Based on Hamster's schedule, the Archives release of the week should be the fourth Metal Slug shooter.

In Japan, we've got a Switch version of the Layton's Mystery Journey game of last year, a Jake Hunter Detective title, and even Darkest Dungeon is coming over.

REVISION HISTORY: Europe, Japan updated - 11:55pm ET Wednesday

North America, Kid's Horehore Daisakusen added - 10:25pm ET Thursday

North America

Switch Retail

Minecraft Story Mode: Season 2 (US$39.99/C$49.99: Tuesday)

Dead Cells ($24.99/$33.99: Tuesday)

Overcooked 2 ($24.99/$27.99: Tuesday)

Switch eShop

Flipping Death ($19.99/$25.19: Tuesday)

Okami HD ($19.99/$24.99)

Tiny Hands Adventure ($16.99/$20.99: Friday)

Megaton Rainfall ($15.99/$20.15)

Unexplored ($15.00/$18.90)

Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call ($14.99: Friday)

The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love ($11.99/$15.11)

In Between ($11.99/$14.99)

BlobCat ($9.99/$12.59)

Minit ($9.99/$10.99)

Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition – The Card Warriors ($7.99/$9.99: Tuesday)

Slam Land ($7.99/not releasing: Tuesday)

Flip Over Frog ($7.50/$9.50)

Loot Monkey: Bling Palace ($7.00/$9.00)

SubaraCity ($5.00/$6.59)

Tetra's Escape ($4.99/$5.99: Friday)

Shut Eye ($3.99/$4.99)

Switch Archives

Metal Slug 4 ($7.99/$9.87)

Kid's Horehore Daisakusen ($7.99/$9.87)

Demos and Trials

Dragon Ball FighterZ (runs Friday and Saturday ET)

Valkyria Chronicles 4

Pixel Action Heroes

Toki Tori 2+

Earthlock: Festival of Magic

Sales and Price Drops

HIghlights: Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Edition is 25% off until Wednesday. Spreadsheet


Switch Retail

Dead Cells (€24.99/£22.49: Tuesday)

Overcooked 2 (€24.99/£19.99: Monday)

Switch eShop

Flipping Death (€19.99/£17.99: Tuesday)

Okami HD (€19.99/£15.99)

Megaton Rainfall (€15.99/£14.39)

Unexplored (€15.00/£13.49)

Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call (€14.99/£13.49: Friday)

The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love (€11.99/£10.79)

In Between (€11.99/£9.99: Tuesday)

Toby: The Secret Mine (€9.99/£7.99: Tuesday)

BlobCat (€9.99/£8.99)

Slam Land (€7.99/£7.19: Tuesday)

Super Blackjack Battle 2 Turbo Edition – The Card Warriors (€6.99/£6.99: Tuesday)

Loot Monkey: Bling Palace (€6.00/£5.00: Monday)

SubaraCity (€5.00/£4.49)

Tetra's Escape (€4.99/£4.99: Friday)

Shut Eye (€3.99/£3.59)

Switch Archives

Metal Slug 4 (€6.99/£6.29)

Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (€6.99/£6.29)

Demos and Trials

Dragon Ball FighterZ (Friday -> Sunday)


Lady Layton: The Conspiracy of King Millionaire Ariadne (Â¥6458)

Jake Hunter Detective Story: Prism of Eyes (Â¥5390)

Waku Waku Sweets: Amai Okashi ga Dekiru Kana? (Â¥5378)

Darkest Dungeon (Â¥4860)

Okami HD (Â¥2990)

Overcooked 2 (Â¥2750)

Dead Cells (Â¥2480)

The Escapists 2 (Â¥2150)

Flashback Remastered (Â¥2052)

The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love (Â¥1280)

World Conqueror X (Â¥1000)

Metal Slug 4 (Â¥823)

Kid's Horehore Daisakusen (Â¥823)

Chalk Dash Carnival (Â¥800)

Hikkuri Gaeru (Â¥800)

Draw a Stickman: Epic 2 (Â¥795)

Extreme Poker (Â¥555)

SubaraCity (Â¥500)

Pirate Pop Plus (Â¥500)

Tetjis (Â¥500)

Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.