Well, welcome back. There's still plenty of arguments to get into, but most if not all should be avoided. That's because most arguments fall into three categories now-a-days.
1. The splinter arguments. This is when people blow up over the littlest things. They think a little splinter of news stuck in their paw is exceedingly dangerous and a testament of things to come; i.e. an overreaction. Iansane dominates this category.
2. The hollow ground arguments. This is when people believe they stand on more holy ground than their opponents. Main topics include hacking, customer satisfaction, third parties, and console features. These should be avoided at all cost because arguments can literally make you dumber.
3. And these are the worst of all. Zombie arguments. These are arguments that just won't die, no matter how deep you bury them. They can reoccur at any moment, they are annoying to deal with, and they never change or evolve. The only thing good about them is that you'll know when you see one. Avoid them at all costs.
But otherwise, welcome back. Don't take things too seriously and make fun of others whenever possible.