Link's tunic is genetic? As a Zelda fan, that insults me.
Pro basically said what I was going to say, but might as well add somethig else. The Kokiri only made a mark
once in the Zelda universe, and that was Ocarina of Time. If anyone pays attention to a minor plot details (which we should humbly thank Yoshiaki Koizumi for), the tunic is the symbol of a legendary hero who bears the mark of the Triforce of Courage. This was brought about in Wind Waker, to an extent. So, frankly, the Kokiri tunic was the base of which Link's legend was built.
As far to my knowledge, Zelda 1/2/LttP/LA didn't acknowledge this element.
Bionic Commando is probably dead for good, now. Because you can't come back from the "too cool for school" "ultra mature" revival to something a little more close to it's original design.
Same thing happened with Final Fight with that lump of retardedness called Final Fight: Streetwise.
To be fair, the mature look of FF: Slumpwise would've worked if the gameplay didn't suck massive amounts of ass.
And Bomberman: Act Zero. That game can burn in hell and rot. Thank you for nearly destorying a legendary multiplayer character, HD generation.
And back to Bionic Commando... Ignoring the Wii in favor for HD maturity when the Wii-mote could've EASILY emulated the chain grapple is perfect proof that developer pride will bite you in the ass.
God I love this generation of Highly Dramatic failures.