Author Topic: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'  (Read 284506 times)

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Offline Infernal Monkey

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #600 on: August 29, 2009, 12:45:05 AM »

I must say, those are some really goods points Deguello, have you ever considered being a consultant at Capcom or Ubisoft?  Sounds like they could use someone like you to finally straighten them out.  Hell, I'd even attach this post to your resume.

Have you ever considered being a consultant at the fertilizaer factory? Sounds like they could use someone like you to supply a steady stream of manure simply by opening your mouth.

"Whoa D_Average, not so loud, you're overflowing the bags!"

Offline D_Average

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #601 on: August 29, 2009, 01:25:46 AM »
Wow.  Its so strange that 3rd parties refuse to make high-quality titles for the Wii when clearly, they would sell millions, should they be high-quality, competitive to Nintendo products, and marketed as if they were proud of their effort.  Strange business decision.


So it sounds like you're saying The Conduit was "low quality", and High Voltage/Sega marketed it as if they were ashamed of it?  Exactly.

I'm sure you'll throw together another long winded Sean Malstrom wannabe type post up to weasel your way out of this, but the reality is, there are many well produced games for the Wii like The Conduit that just didn't sell well, because the market just isn't there anymore, which is why third parties are hardly investing in similar titles.  Its really that simple Jughead.

Don't hate me, hate the money I see, clothes that I buy
Ice that I wear, clothes that I try....

Offline Deguello

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #602 on: August 29, 2009, 02:07:34 AM »
So it sounds like you're saying The Conduit was "low quality", and High Voltage/Sega marketed it as if they were ashamed of it?  Exactly.

Umm... what if I am?  The Conduit is a decent enough game but it wasn't the best in the whole world.  It got automatic hype because it was a game from a third party that seemed to give a damn and because that's just how Sega does these things, but still, this is a new IP from an then unknown developer.  That's risky, period.  And one game doesn't make a trend.  And speaking of existing markets, Sega released Daisy Fuentes Pilates or something on Wii recently, ready to capture that "obviously there" Wii Fit market, except it bombed.  So, of Sega's Wii games, the "bombs" of The Conduit and Madworld, have actually performed better than their "sure things."

What if was Sega's name that was the problem?  Or, heck third parties in general.  See what making mostly forgettable shovelware for two years will get you.  You'll probably still say something like "I don't like Nintendo's Wii game lineup," but nobody can argue that Nintendo doesn't make the best games for the Wii, and this is reinforced by third parties making nothing but garbage for two years.  So when they actually start struggling financially and realize that they probably should have made better Wii games from the start, it will be really slow going to earn back the userbase's trust in non-Nintendo games.  I mean seriously, if you were a Wii-only owner (like the majority of gamers probably are, just liek most only owned a PS2 last gen) would you seriously buy something that wasn't by Nintendo, now, at this juncture?  I at least would understand the skittishness.

I'm sure you'll throw together another long winded Sean Malstrom wannabe type post up to weasel your way out of this, but the reality is, there are many well produced games for the Wii like The Conduit that just didn't sell well,

There's lot of well produced anythings that didn't sell well anywhere.  Bionic Commando bombed on PS360, ASH bombed on DS.  That doesn't mean anything.

which is why third parties are hardly investing in similar titles.

Whelp, the ball's in their court.  As well as their financial struggles.

Its really that simple Jughead.

OK, this is where I tell you that, yes, everybody here can see you've come up with a cute diminutive nickname for me in the form of "Juggalo," and that you think I am the "Fred Phelps" of the Nintendo fans here, who also have "Objectum Sexuality" which basically means we have sexual relations with our consoles, and that you have included me, by my new nickname, in a list of other people you don't like in your signature and your custom forum title (which you have to turn on, by the way, or nobody can see it.)

But see, you're basically trolling me with every post now.  And everybody here, even the ones who disagree with you, has given you more respect than you have returned in kind for the various insults you have thrown around.

You probably don't like me, but I like it here and have been here for a really long time, and have been a mod here on and off.  I think it would be wise to start looking for greener pastures, before somebody reports this to a mod and you get forced out.  But that's just me.  It's your call.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 02:12:55 AM by Deguello »
It's time you saw the future while you still have human eyes.

... and those eyes see a 3DS system code : 2750-1598-3807

Offline Berto2K

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #603 on: August 29, 2009, 02:24:17 AM »
So it sounds like you're saying The Conduit was "low quality", and High Voltage/Sega marketed it as if they were ashamed of it?  Exactly.

Umm... what if I am?  The Conduit is a decent enough game but it wasn't the best in the whole world.  It got automatic hype because it was a game from a third party that seemed to give a damn and because that's just how Sega does these things, but still, this is a new IP from an then unknown developer.  That's risky, period.  And one game doesn't make a trend.  And speaking of existing markets, Sega released Daisy Fuentes Pilates or something on Wii recently, ready to capture that "obviously there" Wii Fit market, except it bombed.  So, of Sega's Wii games, the "bombs" of The Conduit and Madworld, have actually performed better than their "sure things."

What if was Sega's name that was the problem?  Or, heck third parties in general.  See what making mostly forgettable shovelware for two years will get you.  You'll probably still say something like "I don't like Nintendo's Wii game lineup," but nobody can argue that Nintendo doesn't make the best games for the Wii, and this is reinforced by third parties making nothing but garbage for two years.  So when they actually start struggling financially and realize that they probably should have made better Wii games from the start, it will be really slow going to earn back the userbase's trust in non-Nintendo games.  I mean seriously, if you were a Wii-only owner (like the majority of gamers probably are, just liek most only owned a PS2 last gen) would you seriously buy something that wasn't by Nintendo, now, at this juncture?  I at least would understand the skittishness.

I'm sure you'll throw together another long winded Sean Malstrom wannabe type post up to weasel your way out of this, but the reality is, there are many well produced games for the Wii like The Conduit that just didn't sell well,

There's lot of well produced anythings that didn't sell well anywhere.  Bionic Commando bombed on PS360, ASH bombed on DS.  That doesn't mean anything.

which is why third parties are hardly investing in similar titles.

Whelp, the ball's in their court.  As well as their financial struggles.

Its really that simple Jughead.

OK, this is where I tell you that, yes, everybody here can see you've come up with a cute diminutive nickname for me in the form of "Juggalo," and that you think I am the "Fred Phelps" of the Nintendo fans here, who also have "Objectum Sexuality" which basically means we have sexual relations with our consoles, and that you have included me, by my new nickname, in a list of other people you don't like in your signature and your custom forum title (which you have to turn on, by the way, or nobody can see it.)

But see, you're basically trolling me with every post now.  And everybody here, even the ones who disagree with you, has given you more respect than you have returned in kind for the various insults you have thrown around.

You probably don't like me, but I like it here and have been here for a really long time, and have been a mod here on and off.  I think it would be wise to start looking for greener pastures, before somebody reports this to a mod and you get forced out.  But that's just me.  It's your call.
You da maaaaaan!
Pietriots, we roll out to get the lol out.

Offline Infernal Monkey

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #604 on: August 29, 2009, 02:27:16 AM »
I barely even bother with this place anymore, but just from popping my head into this thread every now and then, it seems D_Average has a weird obession with Deg. Like, seriously creepy weird. D_Average has been banned from countless other forums, I guess this is why. He latches onto some poor guy and like, cuts their name into his chest or something.

God damn, I shudder at the thought of what a complete social outcast D_Average must be in the real world.

Offline Juggalo

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #605 on: August 29, 2009, 02:36:19 AM »
Can you guys please stop talking about me.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #606 on: August 29, 2009, 02:58:01 AM »
Wow.  Its so strange that 3rd parties refuse to make high-quality titles for the Wii when clearly, they would sell millions, should they be high-quality, competitive to Nintendo products, and marketed as if they were proud of their effort.  Strange business decision.


So it sounds like you're saying The Conduit was "low quality", and High Voltage/Sega marketed it as if they were ashamed of it?  Exactly.

I'm sure you'll throw together another long winded Sean Malstrom wannabe type post up to weasel your way out of this, but the reality is, there are many well produced games for the Wii like The Conduit that just didn't sell well, because the market just isn't there anymore, which is why third parties are hardly investing in similar titles.  Its really that simple Jughead.

Call of Duty: World at War. End of story.
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Offline Urkel

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #607 on: August 29, 2009, 04:03:09 AM »
Malstrom must be doing something right if he can get under the skin of Mr. Cool Cat D_Average.
"ROFS? Rolling on the floor... starving?"- Phoenix Wright

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #608 on: August 29, 2009, 05:16:52 AM »
Disaster: DOC has no problem coming over here, it's action with a healthy amount of cheese.

Healthy? That game has enough cheese to give you a heart attack!

Offline ShyGuy

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #609 on: August 29, 2009, 06:01:27 AM »
I'm cutting your name into my chest Ferny.

Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #610 on: August 29, 2009, 08:16:24 AM »
Let's get this thread back to talking about the media, please.  Can all personal potshots, as well.

Jon Lindemann
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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #611 on: August 29, 2009, 04:10:07 PM »
So what do you think? Is NoA part of the problem? Did NoA make the right call by not releasing Captain Rainbow, Disaster: Day of Crisis and so on?
I think the quote from Ian Sane in my signature applies to this. Nintendo of America need to pretend they have artistic integrity and localize such games.

Offline GoldenPhoenix

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #612 on: August 29, 2009, 04:16:27 PM »
So what do you think? Is NoA part of the problem? Did NoA make the right call by not releasing Captain Rainbow, Disaster: Day of Crisis and so on?
I think the quote from Ian Sane in my signature applies to this. Nintendo of America need to pretend they have artistic integrity and localize such games.

I"d love to play Captain Rainbow.
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Offline Infernal Monkey

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #613 on: August 30, 2009, 12:23:02 AM »
I'm cutting your name into my chest Ferny.

<3 <3

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #614 on: August 30, 2009, 09:01:36 AM »
VGChartz disproves that the Wii is doomed. In this case the pathetic media isn't VGC but the rest that seems to insist that the Wii is doomed despite being the market leader.

Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #615 on: August 30, 2009, 12:12:09 PM »
Saying the Wii is doomed is outright idiocy.  People that don't even like video games are going to buy one, and every kid on the planet that doesn't have one wants one.  As a group we can't even figure out who's buying them any more, same with the DS.  The Wii continuing to sell and be popular is like the sky being blue or the sun rising in the's just going to happen.  It's honestly not even an interesting story for me any more...Microsoft vs. Sony is much more intriguing because the conclusion to that one is as yet unwritten.
Jon Lindemann
Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report

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Offline KDR_11k

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #616 on: August 30, 2009, 02:32:15 PM »
Yes but somehow the media and the analysts act like Nintendo is doomed and Sony and MS are going to overtake them any minute. Any time the Wii's sales are down Nintendo is doomed, any time a big game releases Nintendo is doomed because they no longer have a big game upcoming, etc. It's really retarded.

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #617 on: August 30, 2009, 03:42:46 PM »
The more interesting story is how long the pathetic media can keep up their crying race against Nintendo.
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Offline Peachylala

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #618 on: August 31, 2009, 07:02:11 PM »
Will they use the Wii Wheel or GCN controller?

Will they use local multiplayer or Wi-Fi?
Peachy got himself a 360 Slim. ...Yahoo?

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #619 on: August 31, 2009, 11:05:55 PM »
That is an amazing contradiction.

Mario Kart DD is regarded as a non-casual classic, but is not online.

Mario Kart Wii is online like non-casuals demand, but is recognized for casual plastic waggle.

It's like the media insists on walking through a door, without actually opening it.  Kisser up against the board, face swelling red with determination.  They hope to eventually succeed, awaiting their moment of glory.
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Offline Peachylala

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #620 on: August 31, 2009, 11:23:08 PM »

Sonic and the Black Knight was good, but Sonic carried a sword and it needed waggle, thus it got torn apart in reviews.

Sonic Unleashed has short good 2-D like Sonic stages which were over-shadowed by horrible beat em up levels that took up most of the game.


Metal Gear Solid 4 is hailed a classic, but in reality it's one Japanese's developer angst fan fiction that teems with plot awfulness. Just like the Subspace Emissary. SAKURAI and KOJIMA are friends indeed!
Peachy got himself a 360 Slim. ...Yahoo?

Offline broodwars

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #621 on: September 01, 2009, 12:31:59 AM »
That is an amazing contradiction.

Mario Kart DD is regarded as a non-casual classic, but is not online.

Mario Kart Wii is online like non-casuals demand, but is recognized for casual plastic waggle.

It's like the media insists on walking through a door, without actually opening it.  Kisser up against the board, face swelling red with determination.  They hope to eventually succeed, awaiting their moment of glory.

I didn't see reviews going after Mark Kart Wii for the Wii Wheel.  They went after it for the cheap rubberband AI the series has used for years and a perceived lack of depth in the powersliding due to the need to remove snake-ing.
There was a Signature here. It's gone now.

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #622 on: September 01, 2009, 12:47:39 AM »
I'm sorry, I've confused the media with non-casuals again.  They're so much one-in-the-same to me.  I'll do better next time.
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Offline Deguello

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #623 on: September 01, 2009, 12:50:22 AM »
No, they did go after the Wheel.  They just clothed it in "ZOMG this game has been casualized for the gaming impaired."  While at the same time saying the game offered nothing new and was exactly the same as the previous games, yet again somehow different.
It's time you saw the future while you still have human eyes.

... and those eyes see a 3DS system code : 2750-1598-3807

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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Re: The PATHETIC state of the gaming 'media'
« Reply #624 on: September 01, 2009, 12:54:44 AM »
The rubber band AI is no match for good driving.  I think this is the most gentlest AI in the series ever.  Countless casual wheelers have achieved the Golden Wheel.  And removing snaking hasn't reduced depth, cuz it's relocated the focus back onto driving, where driving with the wheel's subtle nuanced movements involves more depth than analog masturbation.
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