Feb. 19 - 21 Weekend Reading!
The Topic of the Day / Long Weekend is in regards to the biggest Nintendo game released so far this year:
Pokemon Legends: Arceus It's a game that seems to have reignited the passion of many Pokemon fans that had been getting restless with the series over some of it last few entries and has had a lot of chatter in the NWR Discord and elsewhere online. Surely the forums would also be a good place to talk and show one's pokemons.

Other topics of interest:
If you are looking for something to play beside the POKE and the MON then let me try to help you out by highlighting some games recently released on the Switch eShop this week which were positively received by NWR staff.
Ocean's Heart, a 2D-like Zelda game with Wind Waker vibes, and
SOL CRESTA, the joke Schmup that became real, were reviewed this past week and both games got an 8.5 rating.
Of course, a game is more than just a review score so do try to check out the articles to see what is appealing about those titles and if they might appeal to you also.
As always, you may want to check in and let us know
what you are playing or the
latest game you've just beat. (Or maybe even do a Reader Review about a game and possibly have that become a Topic of the Day.

Otherwise, you can always just post about
what's happening in your life these days and/or see what's happening with other forum users.