Nintendo Gaming / Re: What will Nintendo release in 2025?
« Last post by Mop it up on Today at 05:30:26 PM »Whoof, a year with a new system launch is always a real wild card! Y'know, even moreso than usual. A launch opens up a lot more possibilities that a middle year wouldn't have. I have no clue what to even guess, but might as well just toss stuff out and see what sticks!
-A new 3D Mario will be announced this year.
It may not release this year, that'll depend on when the Switch 2 itself will be launched. The team seems due for a new game and having a new 3D Mario during the first year of a system is always a good way to build hype. Perhaps they'll go even bigger this time with a 4D Mario...!
-Re-release of a previous Zelda game.
I saw someone else predict this and yeah, I'll go with it. They're not gonna have a new one ready, so if they want Zelda content for the first year, something like HD Wind Waker or Twilight Princess is the best bet. And who knows maybe we'll get Tingle's Rupee Land 99...
-A new Fire Emblem announced.
Iunno, feels like it's been a while. Plus the Smash port will need some more anime swordsman DLC.
-The next generation of Pokémon games will be announced.
And everyone will be ticked that they're for Switch 1 and not 2.
-Another new sort of Pokémon app announced.
Pokémon Bathroom Break, anyone?
-A new IP of some sort will be introduced.
Something in the same vein as first-year Switch releases like 1-2-Switch, Snipperclips, or ARMS.
-A new Kirby game will be announced.
Might be a bit of a wild card here, but it feels long enough from the last one, and it seemed to perform well.
-Smash Ultimate Deluxe to be announced.
They're gonna want Smash of some kind on this thang, and they probably feel there's no way to top the last one. So my guess is they're just gonna do some sort of deluxe version with an awful title that retains all of the characters plus the DLC in one package. Though even this could be tough to do because of licencing.
-Another HD Wii Port
What it will be? No clue! But it feels like they're running out of Wii U stuff...
-Khushrenada will earn the most points in this.
What? That guy knows things! This is a safe bet, don't worry.
-A new 3D Mario will be announced this year.
It may not release this year, that'll depend on when the Switch 2 itself will be launched. The team seems due for a new game and having a new 3D Mario during the first year of a system is always a good way to build hype. Perhaps they'll go even bigger this time with a 4D Mario...!
-Re-release of a previous Zelda game.
I saw someone else predict this and yeah, I'll go with it. They're not gonna have a new one ready, so if they want Zelda content for the first year, something like HD Wind Waker or Twilight Princess is the best bet. And who knows maybe we'll get Tingle's Rupee Land 99...
-A new Fire Emblem announced.
Iunno, feels like it's been a while. Plus the Smash port will need some more anime swordsman DLC.
-The next generation of Pokémon games will be announced.
And everyone will be ticked that they're for Switch 1 and not 2.
-Another new sort of Pokémon app announced.
Pokémon Bathroom Break, anyone?
-A new IP of some sort will be introduced.
Something in the same vein as first-year Switch releases like 1-2-Switch, Snipperclips, or ARMS.
-A new Kirby game will be announced.
Might be a bit of a wild card here, but it feels long enough from the last one, and it seemed to perform well.
-Smash Ultimate Deluxe to be announced.
They're gonna want Smash of some kind on this thang, and they probably feel there's no way to top the last one. So my guess is they're just gonna do some sort of deluxe version with an awful title that retains all of the characters plus the DLC in one package. Though even this could be tough to do because of licencing.
-Another HD Wii Port
What it will be? No clue! But it feels like they're running out of Wii U stuff...
-Khushrenada will earn the most points in this.
What? That guy knows things! This is a safe bet, don't worry.