Community Forums > General-3
Make Khushrenada stop breaking the forums.
Seriously. I have to use some 2006 era mobile version to post this.
WTF Khush?
Khush probably isn't cool enough to read this.
He's such a poser. Sure he acts tough, but when the going gets tough he's the first to run.
I wish I could post that picture of old Bugs Bunny just saying no.
Also, since when is it a bad thing to run and get help at the first sign of trouble? For instance, when the indigenous people are attacking the settlers of the old west and the settlers are badly outnumbered and outgunned, someone usually has to go and get back-up or alert the cavalry. If no one did so then they'd all be wiped out from that trouble. The person who gets the back-up like the cavalry is the hero. His swift decisive actions helped turn the tide and save the day. You think it is easy to know the lives of everyone are depending on you to run away as fast as you can to bring back help? No, sir! It would be easy to say, "I won't abandon you!" and stick around to fight but ultimately that's selfish and prideful because it will do very little to change the outcome by keeping the number of those fighting to a small amount. It's tough and takes a lot of courage to know you may never see a lot of those people you've come to know again but you do it for the greater good of all.
I mean, running from a battle used to be so revered. The Greeks gave it a name of Marathon and had competitions about it so that more people could practice that useful skill. It's been revived again in our time but apparently kids today just don't understand what it all means. Or maybe just leave it to pokepal148 to come up with the worst take on a subject every time. How's the fight against the spambots going at the moment? Aren't you going to feel silly once the forums are fixed and they've all been taken care of because I ran away to get help (after Insanolord borked the forums).
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