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The IMDb Top 250

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Pretty sure everyone on here is familiar with the IMDb website for movie information. As such, you have probably seen their Top 250 Movie List based on the ratings given to movies by their users. Yet, despite these movies supposedly having mass appeal and being quite popular among the users, how far down the list can you go starting from #1 - The Shawshank Redemption until you hit a spot/film that you have yet to see?

For myself, I got stopped at #43 - The Intouchables, the original french film that was recently remade in the US with Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston in the starring roles. I've yet to see either version but would choose the french one first to cross it off the list.

Second stopping point is #58 - The Lives of Others. That plus 8 others in the top 100 means I've seen 90% of the top 100 according the list. What movie(s) are the first to stop you on the list?

I had to stop at #2.....  :-[

Not that's I've never watched it, just never seen it in it's entirety, especially not in one go.
but there's tons on there that always planned to maybe one day watch, but other things/movies/shows come up and I never go to it.

Wow! That might be hard to top unless some people here haven't seen The Shawshank Redemption yet...  Truthfully, I'm not a big fan of The Godfather. I think it is kind of overrated. However, it is worth checking out and watching because it helps set things up for The Godfather Part 2 and it is the second one that I think is much more worthy of praise and watching but it helps to build that tapestry of history that comes from having seen the first one. Make it a Godfather weekend sometime and see them both. That's what I did years ago.

I've only seen 3 of the top 10, Shawshank and the two Lord of the Rings movies. I've never been a big movie guy, I always preferred the format of TV, and so I haven't seen a lot of the big classics.

I've seen 33 of the Top 50 going by a quick skim through.

a majority of the ones I haven't seen were released before I was born.
some of the others just didn't seem like my type of movie.

skimming all the way to 100, theres a few in there I have been meaning to watch and never got to.
A lot of the ones I haven't watched though, are likely to stay that way.


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