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IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)

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Fantastic 4 Comic Con Pre-Vis Test Footage

1960's Retro Futuristic Look is on point.

and I'm sure you all saw already.... that RDJ is back as Dr. DOOM.
not sure how I feel about that yet, but in Feige we Trust (well... not so much since End Game, but D&W has resparked a lil trust)

interesting, that's an interesting take on Reed Richards. I like it. I liked Pedro Pascal as a choice, because he could play a character who is super cocky, but he's playing him as a nerd, which is probably for the better.

I'm still balking a bit at RDJ as Doom. I don't doubt he can do a great job and will be phenomenal in the role on its own, but its the baggage about him being a variant or something else that worries me more. There is enough going on I had kind of hoped the forced pivot away from Kang would inject some freshness into the MCU that didn't have the sag of pretty much everything from Phase 4.


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