Author Topic: Nintendo Downloads - November 21, 2024  (Read 2392 times)

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Nintendo Downloads - November 21, 2024
« on: November 18, 2024, 03:00:00 AM »

If you're looking for the sales there's a separate article for that tomorrow.

Things we missed last week: Most importantly, The Rise of the Golden Idol released on Switch. Hopefully, with much fewer bugs than The Case had. There's also a new Beyblade game which launched worldwide for some reason (and only with the season pass for one very obvious reason), and Konami's Table Tennis - the official name - in the Archives.

Traditionally the week the Black Friday deals start is a lighter week for the new releases, and so it goes this time. But there are a few items of note: some classic (or modern classic) fare comes to Switch for the first time in the forms of Stray and a bundle of MySims titles from EA tomorrow. For totally new games, Idea Factory has decided to get into the Touhou business, and the first of two Imagineer exercise titles in a fourteen day period in Zero to Dance Hero comes via Aksys. (I think this is the third of the fall if you toss in the Hatsune Miku one.)

The cream of the smaller crop is the tastefully named "Loco Motive", which pays off something from an Indie World presentation in December of 2021. And now that I mention it, I wouldn't be surprised if we got an Indie World this week or at least sometime before the holidays. Lastly, the EggConsole game is the MSX version of a Compile shooter called "Guardic", so it should be easy to play if you pick it up.

North America

Touhou Spell Carnival (US$49.99/C$69.99: Tuesday)

Zero to Dance Hero ($49.99/$54.55)

MySims Cozy Bundle ($39.99/$54.99: Tuesday)

Stray ($29.99/$39.99: Tuesday)

Shinjuku Soumei ($29.99/$38.99)

Amedama ($24.99/$32.50: Wednesday)

Spirit Mancer ($19.99/$24.99: Friday)

Loco Motive ($17.99/$23.49)

Servonauts ($14.99/$19.49)

Super Bunny Man ($14.99/$17.99)

Cook For Love ($12.99/$18.00)

Blackout: The Darkest Night ($12.99/$17.90)

Find Love or Die Trying ($12.99/$17.99: Friday)

Idle Devils ($11.99/$16.49)

Ichima-San ($10.99/$15.29)

Super Rolling Heroes Deluxe ($10.99/$10.99)

Flight Attendant Simulator ($9.99/$13.99)

Jet Combat: Cats vs Dogs Military Simulator ($7.99/$11.00)

Eraser vs Ruler ($7.00/$6.46)

Time Walker: Dark World ($6.99/$9.60-)

Divine Dynamo Flamefrit ($6.99/$9.49)

Draw li ($6.99/$8.99: Friday)

EggConsole Guardic MSX ($6.49/$7.34)

Project 13: Taxidermy Trials ($5.99/$8.34: Friday)

Galaxy Kingdoms ($4.99/$6.83: Wednesday)

Spellagis ($4.99/$5.99: Wednesday)

Car Mechanic Shop Simulator ($4.99/$6.94)

Extreme City Delivery ($4.99/$5.99)

SCP-087 The Stairwell Horror ($4.99/$5.99)

Tiny Cats ($4.99/$5.99: Friday)

Fridge Escape ($3.99/$5.99)

Hakkakudoku ($2.99/$3.99)

Homecoming -Kitaku- ($2.99/$2.99)

Banana Clicker ($2.99/$3.99: Saturday)

Revealed Later

Life is Strange: Double Exposure ($49.99/$66.99: Tuesday)

GI Joe: The Wrath of Cobra ($24.99/$33.99)

Sanya ($14.99/$20.00: Friday)

Arida: Backland's Awakening ($10.99/$10.99)

Sniper Jarhead ($10.99/$14.99)

Rescue: The Beagles ($9.99/$13.95)

Samuza ($9.99/$12.99)

Drag Racing Professionals ($9.99/$13.99: Friday)

Hentai Girls: Otaku Love ($8.99/$12.49)

Kuukiyomi 4: Consider It ($7.99/$10.49)

Abyss: Backrooms Pools Horrors ($4.99/$6.99)

Bridges & Docks ($4.99/$6.49)

Bimfli & His Time Travels: Paris ($4.90/$6.90)

Bimfli & His Time Travels: Rome ($4.90/$6.90: Friday)

Bubbelsche Deluxe ($3.99/$5.55)

Twins of Legacy ($1.99/$2.99)

Table Letters ($1.99/$2.74)

Rattle Royale ($0.99/$1.29)


Final Blow ($7.99/$9.87)

Sales and Price Drops

Highlights: Apart from the Black Friday deals beginning on the 19th, Sea of Stars and its new content update are 33% off (a new record discount) until the end of the week. PSPrices, DekuDeals


Touhou Spell Carnival (€49.99/£44.99: Tuesday)

MySims Cozy Bundle (€39.99/£34.99: Tuesday)

Zero to Dance Hero (€39.99/£35.99)

Shinjuku Soumei (€28.99/£24.99)

Stray (€27.99/£23.99: Tuesday)

Amedama (€24.50/£20.99: Wednesday)

Spirit Mancer (€19.99/£17.99: Friday)

Loco Motive (€17.99/£14.99)

Jerry Anker and the Quest to get Love (€14.99/£13.49)

Super Bunny Man (€14.99/£11.99)

Servonauts (€14.79/£12.79)

Cook For Love (€12.99/£11.69)

Find Love or Die Trying (€12.99/£12.99: Friday)

Super Rolling Heroes Deluxe (€10.99/£10.00-)

Idle Devils (€10.99/£9.89)

Ichima-San (€10.99/£8.99)

Arida: Backland's Awakening (€10.99/£10.00: Friday)

Flight Attendant Simulator (€9.99/£9.99)

911: Prey (€9.99/£8.99)

Jet Combat: Cats vs Dogs Military Simulator (€7.99/£7.19)

Eraser vs Ruler (€7.00-/£3.59)

Draw li (€6.99/£6.29)

Time Walker: Dark World (€6.99/£6.29)

Divine Dynamo Flamefrit (€5.99/£5.89)

Project 13: Taxidermy Trials (€5.99/£5.39)

EggConsole Guardic MSX (€5.59/£5.39)

Steamboat Rescue (€5.00-/£4.49: Saturday)

Galaxy Kingdoms (€4.99/£4.49: Wednesday)

Spellagis (€4.99/£4.49: Wednesday)

Extreme City Delivery (€4.99/£4.99)

Car Mechanic Shop Simulator (€4.99/£4.49)

Racing Champions (€4.99/£4.49: Friday)

Tiny Cats (€4.99/£4.49: Friday)

Fridge Escape (€3.99/£3.49)

Homecoming -Kitaku- (€2.99/£2.69)

Hakkakudoku (€2.99/£2.59)

Banana Clicker (€2.99/£2.99:)

Revealed Later

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (€59.99/£49.99: Tuesday)

GI Joe: The Wrath of Cobra (€24.99/£20.99)

Shirogane Maid Club (€23.40-/£22.40-)

Sanya (€14.99/£13.49: Friday)

Sniper Jarhead (€11.99/£10.99)

Samuza (€10.00/£8.99)

Drag Racing Professionals (€9.99/£9.99: Friday)

Hentai Girls: Otaku Love (€8.99/£8.99: Wednesday)

Kuukiyomi 4: Consider It (€7.79/£6.99: Tuesday)

Abyss: Backrooms Pools Horrors (€4.99/£4.99)

Bimfli & His Time Travels: Rome (€4.90/£4.90)

Bridges & Docks (€4.49/£4.09)

Bubbelsche Deluxe (€3.99/£3.59)

Table Letters (€1.99/£1.79)

Twins of Legacy (€1.99/£1.79)

Rattle Royale (€0.99/£0.99)


Final Blow (€6.99/£6.29)


Disney Music Parade Encore (Â¥6578)

MySims Cozy Bundle (Â¥5800: Tuesday)

Mizuchi: Legend of the White Snake (Â¥4500)

Shinjuku Soumei (Â¥3990)

Stray (Â¥3500: Tuesday)

Kamikaze Lassplanes (Â¥2980)

Highspeed Étoile: Paddock Stories (¥2970)

Real Hentai 2 (Â¥2799)

Prison Princess: The Trapped Princesses (Â¥2780)

Amedama (Â¥2490)

Spirit Mancer (Â¥2420)

Loco Motive (Â¥2000)

Cook For Love (Â¥1990)

Idle Devils (Â¥1799)

Servonauts (Â¥1700)

Super Bunny Man (Â¥1700)

Ichima-San (Â¥1650)

Flight Attendant Simulator (Â¥1599)

Sail the Wind (Â¥1500)

Soul Stalker (Â¥1200)

Draw li (Â¥990)

Escape from the Art Gallery (Â¥990)

Elementary School Textbook Test: Social Studies (Â¥980)

EggConsole Guardic MSX (Â¥880)

Time Walker: Dark World (Â¥800)

Steamboat Rescue (Â¥800: Saturday)

Extreme City Delivery (Â¥749)

Eraser vs Ruler (Â¥700)

Divine Dynamo Flamefrit (Â¥690)

Spellagis (Â¥600)

Fridge Escape (Â¥599)

Tiny Cats (Â¥599: Friday)

Galaxy Kingdoms (Â¥499: Wednesday)

Banana Clicker (Â¥499)

Land of Mushrooms (Â¥380)

Island Farmer (Â¥350)

Homecoming -Kitaku- (Â¥300)

Revealed Later

Life is Strange: Double Exposure (Â¥7678: Tuesday)

Shirogane Maid Club (Â¥2980)

GI Joe: The Wrath of Cobra (Â¥2800)

Fantasy -Dreamy- (Â¥2000)

Find Love or Die Trying (Â¥1780)

Anime Boys' Feet Finder: Ex-Defense Game (Â¥1690)

Anime Girls' Feet Finder: Ex-Defense Game (Â¥1690)

Arida: Backland's Awakening (Â¥1600)

Drag Racing Professionals (Â¥1599)

Sniper Jarhead (Â¥1300)

Jet Combat: Cats vs Dogs Military Simulator (Â¥1216)

Samuza (Â¥1200)

Cat Cat (Â¥1000)

Hentai Girls: Otaku Love (Â¥899)

Final Blow (Â¥838)

Kuukiyomi 4: Consider It (Â¥800)

Abyss: Backrooms Pools Horrors (Â¥760)

Table Letters (Â¥330)

Twins of Legacy (Â¥300)

Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.