Nintendo World Report Forums

Community Forums => NWR Forums Discord => Topic started by: Evan_B on January 14, 2017, 03:53:48 PM

Title: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Evan_B on January 14, 2017, 03:53:48 PM
Here I am, excited as hell about ARMS, Zelda, Snipperclips, Sonic Mania, Rime, Syberia, and Splatootie, and all the rest of this forum can do is complain about how expensive this thing is?! I'm sorry, where we're all of you people when the PS4 launched at 400, or the xBox launched at 500? I guess you spent all your money on those superior platforms and now you're poor.

Well excuse me for actually having the means to buy a Switch. And what the heck is with people wanting more than one dock? Can't muster the energy to move the thing to another tv? This is another brilliant strategy Nintendo is implementing to bring motion back into video games and you're all complaining about it???

Well, I guess I'll be the only one posting in the Switch discussion threads unless people want to be negative nancies and talk about something they don't even own. I haven't been this flustered since our Lord and Savior Neal Ronaghon gave Mario Kart 8 a terrible score. I'm tired of not-liking things other people like until I start to like them and everyone SWITCHES their opinion on it!

Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: ShyGuy on January 14, 2017, 07:22:45 PM
I can afford it all as well. The price of the Switch doesn't bother me (it will come down in time) but the cost of the accessories is ridonkulous.

I got that chedda!
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 14, 2017, 09:48:32 PM
If you think NWR had disappointed you now then just wait until Khushrenada Week here on these forums from Jan. 23 - 29 to learn the true meaning of being disappointed by NWR. This right now is nothing.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: UncleBob on January 15, 2017, 12:32:55 AM
>I'm sorry, where we're all of you people when the PS4 launched at 400, or the xBox launched at 500?

Maybe bitching about it on or :p

I don't think it's overpriced at $299, but it's sure not as good of a deal as I'm used to with launches of Nintendo systems.  No pack-in game, one controller (got spoiled with the Wii U and not having to buy additional controllers!)... maybe we'll get something good with our few months of free online service.

Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: NWR_insanolord on January 15, 2017, 01:17:52 AM
You say one controller, but you'll be able to play with 2 players in a lot of things with what comes in the box.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Evan_B on January 15, 2017, 02:27:13 AM
If you're one of those ignorant cunts who still thinks motion controls is driving up the cost on anything, you're wrong. It isn't. That technology was less than $10 over half a decade ago so you imagine it's a pittance in 2017. The only justification for the price is "Nintendo likes money."
Like, is this how reasonable people talk to one another about the price of recreational services?
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 15, 2017, 03:11:45 AM
If you're one of those ignorant cunts who still thinks motion controls is driving up the cost on anything, you're wrong. It isn't. That technology was less than $10 over half a decade ago so you imagine it's a pittance in 2017. The only justification for the price is "Nintendo likes money."
Like, is this how reasonable people talk to one another about the price of recreational services?

Aw jeez. Looks like I should give Adrock a warning about descriptive language. C'mon people. It's bad enough with Lucario and his F Nintendo this and that. When did we start getting all these sailors playing Nintendo games on our forums? I blame Captain Insanolord. You'd never see Captain Khushrenada mouthing off like this.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: pokepal148 on January 15, 2017, 03:15:40 AM
If you're one of those ignorant cunts who still thinks motion controls is driving up the cost on anything, you're wrong. It isn't. That technology was less than $10 over half a decade ago so you imagine it's a pittance in 2017. The only justification for the price is "Nintendo likes money."
Like, is this how reasonable people talk to one another about the price of recreational services?
Absolutely. I've provided a little video clip to help you should you decide to engage in dialog with our more... serious posters.

(Or just let Khush deal with it)
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 15, 2017, 03:18:28 AM
And now I have to ban Pokepal148 for posting NSFW video content on these forums. Life is good.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Evan_B on January 15, 2017, 03:29:17 AM
I blame Insanolord for everything, if that makes any difference.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: NWR_insanolord on January 15, 2017, 03:31:17 AM
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: pokepal148 on January 15, 2017, 03:33:27 AM
We are all insanolord alts. This is some psychological thing he came up with to make himself feel good.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 15, 2017, 03:49:43 AM
Actually, before I send out any kind of warning, maybe we should update the word filters on this site. Just did a test and the F and C word will get filtered into **** if used but the plurals of those words will not. So cunts and fucks will show up like in Adrocks post. Also, we don't seem to care about hell, damn, bitch, bitches, bastard or bastards in the filters as those don't change. I know we have a more adult crowd on here but it may be helpful for any parents who use this site if we try to keep things a little more PG on the main forums by having a filter that actually accounts for swear words like it is supposed to.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Stratos on January 15, 2017, 10:42:39 AM
I was going to write a serious post about how I ran out and pre-ordered my Switch and do not regret it...then I smacked myself in the head because this the Fucking Funhouse!

( (

( (

Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: UncleBob on January 15, 2017, 11:43:08 AM
Now I have get to ban Khush for posting his own descriptive language.  Come on, people.  Just give me a reason...
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Shaymin on January 15, 2017, 12:32:34 PM
Ban everyone and let Aaron sort it out.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Stratos on January 15, 2017, 12:41:30 PM
We already tried that. Didn't have the desired effect because we are still here.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: pokepal148 on January 15, 2017, 01:57:30 PM
I agree, Lettuce Cat is so last week. Mock me for being behind the times.-ch up with the word filter first.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: King of Twitch on January 15, 2017, 02:01:54 PM
Can we bring back the gamecube era troll filters like kiddie and ilovehalo2, but updated for a new generation. That was funny.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: King of Twitch on January 15, 2017, 02:18:10 PM
Too expensive -> $warioware$
Open world -> community litterbox
Dock -> donk
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: UncleBob on January 15, 2017, 03:23:50 PM
We already tried that. Didn't have the desired effect because we are still here.

I still can't believe the forums let you use wildcards in that way.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 15, 2017, 05:31:14 PM
Can we bring back the gamecube era troll filters like kiddie and ilovehalo2, but updated for a new generation. That was funny.

If I had admin powers, I'd definitely be doing taking advantage of that but, alas, I am stuck improving these the forums the best I can with just regular old mod powers.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 15, 2017, 05:33:15 PM
Now I have get to ban Khush for posting his own descriptive language.  Come on, people.  Just give me a reason...

Enjoy it. I felt really bad posting all that flowery language but it's got to be spelled out in order to know what the filter allows and doesn't allow. Also bullshit slips through the current filters but **** does not.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Wah on January 15, 2017, 06:09:41 PM
But isn't swearing allowed in the funhaus?
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: UncleBob on January 15, 2017, 06:23:54 PM
Now I have get to ban Khush for posting his own descriptive language.  Come on, people.  Just give me a reason...

Enjoy it. I felt really bad posting all that flowery language but it's got to be spelled out in order to know what the filter allows and doesn't allow. Also bullshit slips through the current filters but **** does not.

I usually use the private mod forum for testing. :D
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Khushrenada on January 15, 2017, 09:26:53 PM
Ah, of course. I've used that before as well. It just happened that since this discussion of swearing began in this thread, I used it as a place to highlight the deficient filter and bring attention to it. I've currently set the swear filter on for my settings to check and see if any change has been made but so far nothing.
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: Stratos on January 15, 2017, 11:05:54 PM
Nah, the funhouse was build for these types of shenanigans!

Remember when it was almost (or was) banned to use the word Celda because of the self conscious fanboy rage?
Title: Re: NintendoWorldReport has disappointed me.
Post by: ThePerm on February 03, 2017, 01:21:53 AM
there is no space in ThePerm