« on: October 24, 2024, 06:37:33 AM »
I really liked it. I think it is too esoteric for most people though. Not in a comic book movie type way. You might see more in it if you went to art school. It helps that the type of movie it is I'm in the venn diagram for. I don't normally like musicals, but I do already like the type of music in the movie, and then I'm a Batman fan. And I like dark **** and horror movies. Prison movies. Court Dramas. The movie never dragged for me. It moved along with my adhd. It's going to be a cult classic though.
I also had a ton of discussions on forums about a specific scene about how people are traumatized so badly by the scene that they are remembering it not how it actually goes on screen. There is a lot of blank filling in the scene and they are remembering it as way worse than what actually appears on the screen. I can see how they got there, but to me it feels like their imagination jumped to conclusions. It's one of those cases like the first movie where Arthur was in Sophies apartment and everyone assumed he killed her, but none of that was actually on the screen and could actually explained away as simply being a cut where people filled in the blanks. For the first movie the Cinematagrapher later confirmed that nah she didn't die, they even filmed an additional scene with her, they just cut it because they wanted to have the film always focusing on Arthur. And of course she showed up again in the second movie This movie has a cut like that during a dark and intense moment. And people imaginations went dark. I'm kind of sick of discussing it though.
And the way the part 2 ends: I fully expected this ending. It wasn't a surprise.
As far as needing to watch it at the cinema goes... It comes out on streaming on october 29th. The first movie came out in 2019, which for me was like the last hurrah of movies I ended up watching multiple times in a cinema. I watched Joker three times. I watched it on my own, because I do that with all Batman movies. I watched it with a group, and then with another friend. I feel like I was kind of a tapdancer salesman for the first movie, and I was just more lazy with this one. This one is a harder sale. And I don't want to drag my friends to the cinema to watch a movie they aren't going to get.