This week's thoughts include a TV series and a large 3D world to explore.
This week I have another couple of missed opportunities to share. The first is about a console Pokémon game and the second is an idea on how The Wonderful 101 could have been a larger success.
Pokémon Console Game
This is a fairly obvious opportunity that many feel should have been exploited at least once by now, a full 3D, console Pokémon adventure.
While many talk about how Nintendo should create a Pokémon MMO, I don’t believe that it is necessary to go that far. Many people would love to be able to explore a fully 3D Pokémon world in a third person style, even if it was mostly a single player experience.
The new Pokémon X and Y games are definitely moving much closer to what people have been wanting, but they’re still not there, and we may never really get a game that goes as far as people are imagining.
People want a console quality version of the mainline Pokémon games. A massive world on the order of something like Skyrim or Xenoblade would be what is needed to really wow people. Now, I don’t mean exactly like those games, just something along those lines. Make it feel like you can go almost anywhere, bring in lush environments with rivers, dense forests, etc., and let players move and interact more freely within the world. Just being able to experience the Pokémon world in a bigger way would be very exciting.
Nintendo and Game Freak have their reasons why they keep the main games strictly on the portable systems, but to me, it is just leaving money on the table, not to mention a potential killer app for the Wii U.
The Wonderful 101 TV Series
It’s no real surprise that the release of The Wonderful 101 has failed to light up the Wii U in any meaningful way. For starters, its a brand new IP with almost zero mainstream exposure. Sure, the game seems to be aimed mainly at an older core type crowd, but that’s not to say the game and characters would not appeal to children, quite the opposite.
The main thing Nintendo wants is to have games that will inspire people to go out and purchase a system. The Wonderful 101 could have been something like that for the younger generation, but the marketing has been decidedly low key. It’s understandable, although, if Nintendo took a larger risk on really pushing the title they could possibly have had a larger hit.

One of the oldest tricks in the book to get kids on board with new characters and gaming software, is to create a TV series. The Wonderful 101 has some great designs that are full of personality; I don’t think it would be a huge stretch of the imagination to see how these characters could fit into a fun, CG cartoon. If successful, the kids watching would want to play the game. Match the cartoon with a higher dose of general advertising, and it could have been a more compelling reason for them to go out and buy the system, or at the very least, bug their parents to buy one.