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September 30, 2000

Fire Emblem Re-emerged GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 2:57 am EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Rumors of a Fire Emblem game for 64DD were never realized yet there has been development on a Fire Emblem game and it's just about ready to be revealed...

Nintendo, in conjunction with Intelligent Systems, have announced today that development on Fire Emblem 64 in its current form has ceased. The game originally started off as a 64-DD game and was placed on indefinited hold (translation: it was canned) earlier this year. With the title joining the ranks... Read more...

September 28, 2000

Rappin' with Hiroshi GC

by Ed Shih - 6:15 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Not Hiroshi Yamauchi! We're talking about Nintendo's managing director Hiroshi Imanishi, who recently discussed last month's GameCube unveiling at Spaceworld with Core Magazine.

Core Magazine recently posted an interview with Nintendo's managing director, Hiroshi Imanishi. As one would expect, there are no real major revalations as Nintendo will continue to play coy with us for the next couple of months, however, it's still worth the read. Head over to Core Magazine's site and check out the whole thing...but first here's some stuff to whet your appetites.


September 27, 2000

Daily Radar love

by Louie the Cat - 10:20 pm EDT
Source: Daily Radar

Louie the Cat presents the Kitty Ninja video courtesy of Daily Radar.

Yo buss dis. What's happenin people! I'z finally a staff membuh uh PlanetN2000. yeah, Billy be my ownuh (biotch) an' all, but he has now givun me full reign at de Planet uh Cube love.

Finally, an sheeit. So what be my role here? Well it's my job to brin you rumors, cool links, an' my important... Read more...

September 26, 2000

Shin'en On, You Crazy Diamond GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 7:06 pm EDT
Source: Tendo Project

Tendo Project has updated with a profile of Iridion, a psuedo 3d shooter on the GBA.

The Nintendo Project has posted a profile for Iridion, a 3D shooter for GBA from a company called Shin'en. Iridion was first announced as a GBC game in the style of R-Type about a year ago. Since then, development on the title has moved over to the GB Advance, and the game has received a gorgeous... Read more...

September 25, 2000

Mobile 21 - Revealed GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:27 am EDT
Source: Mobile 21

Nintendo and Konami form a joint company to focus on games involving connectivity.

A joint venture between two of video games biggest players, Nintendo and Konami, Mobile 21 is definitely poised for success. Announced in September last year and officially opened a month later, Mobile 21's primary task is to create software with a focus on connectivity. This can be with the GBA and... Read more...

Mobile 21 - First Games

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:05 am EDT
Source: Mobile 21

Screens from two new GBA games by the newly formed Mobile 21 are inside.

At this years TGS, Mobile 21 has its very first GBA games on display. The two games are tentaviley called Mail de Cute and Monster Breed, with very few details on both these games made available.

The first of the two, Mail de Cute has been described as a communication game, mini-game attraction and looks to be geared more to the Japanese market rather than us western gamers.


September 21, 2000

Castlevania unveiled GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:04 pm EDT
Source: Gamers.com

Konami officially unveils Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. There are pictures. You know you want to see them...

Castlevania: Circle Of The Moon for the GBA by Konami has just been unveiled via their official website. The site is in Japanese but luckily for us those fellas at Gamers.com translated the goodness.

The setting is Austria, 1830. Camilla, the sinister witch from previous Castlevania games, has... Read more...

Crashing in on the Cube? GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 8:41 pm EDT
Source: IGNcube

Sony's "mascot" is heading to the GameCube?! Konami is developing it!?!? Oh, The Thing and Jurassic Park III are coming too.

In what could only be described as 'unexpected' it looks like the worlds most favorite (or world's most hated) bandicoot is heading to Gamecube. Through a new deal between Universal Interactive and Konami, a new five-year partnership has begun where the two companies will bring three major franchises... Read more...

No JFG for GC GC

by Max Lake - 5:09 am EDT
Source: Rare.com's Scribes page.

Rareware has updated their webpage with a new edition of Scribes. The Scribe master revealed that a sequel to JFG is not in the works.

When Rare mascots Banjo & Joanna Dark made GC appearences at Space World in brief demos, there was sufficient reason to get somewhat excited. So there may not have seen much in the way of gameplay footage of a "Banjo-Threeie" or "Perfect Dark 2," but the mere presence of these characters was quiet... Read more...

September 20, 2000

RE: Zero Details Emerge GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 9:35 pm EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Capcom coders clear up a few obvious details about the GameCube conversion.

With the recent announcement from various insiders that Resident Evil: Zero is headed to Gamecube comes some confirmation and news from people working closely with the title. Two veteran Resident Evil programmers have spoken to Japanese press about the upcoming prequel. One of the code gurus stated, "The decision to cancel the Nintendo 64 version was made due to the technical restraints of the platform (N64)".


Square: Da Plot Thickens... GC

by Max Lake - 2:04 pm EDT
Source: IGN Xbox

Square is sending company reps to Seattle. Unfortunately, Nintendo isn't the only console maker with offices in that city.

It's a slow news day & with the Square news over the weekend causing such a ruckus, I felt inclined to post this. One of our readers, Steven Constantino kindly emailed me about this story at IGNXbox, indicating Square may be indeed branching out but with Microsoft's console.

Evidently Square...

Your Promotion is in the Mail

by Max Lake - 12:08 pm EDT
Source: IGNCube

There have been five promotions at Nintendo of America and five new Vice Presidents at the company. Find out who has been promoted to what.

Nintendo of America made several promotions yesterday, establishing five new vice presidents to oversee various aspects of operations. Most recognizable of the group is Perrin Kaplan, who has been promoted to Vice President of Corporate Affairs. The other new VPs:

Richard Flamm, promoted to Vice...

September 19, 2000

A Sega / Nintendo RPG?!? GC

by Max Lake - 4:17 pm EDT
Source: Magic Box

An unbelievable rumor! Segan & Nintendo in cohoots?!? CosmoCube, Dream Come True? Magic Box gotta clue! We go over this astonishing news.

RUMOR ALERT!Holy FRICKIN Cow! That's about all I can muster after reading what could be the rumor of the century over at Magic Box. RUMOR has it that Nintendo & Sega are teaming up to make a RPG which will appear on both the Dreamcast & Gamecube and feature several mascot characters from both companies.... Read more...

Ubi's GBA Goodness GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:54 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Look out! Ubi Soft is bringing Rayman and 3 more to Game Boy Advance!

Well respected and well known french development house Ubi Soft have recently spoken to FGNonline about their plans for the Game Boy Advance. After the announcement that Rayman was headed to the handheld comes news that the company is also developing three other seperate games for the GBA. There no word as of yet as to what games they may turn out to be but there is a good chance that any/all may center on Ubi Soft's various Disney licenses.


September 18, 2000

Riddle Me This.... GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 5:48 am EDT
Source: Game Informer (R.I.P.)

Information about Hudson's new puzzle game, Hatena Satena for GBA.

Well looks like we can chalk up another puzzle game thats headed to the GBA. Developed by Hudson Soft, Hatena Satena claims to be different from other puzzlers out there. The game centers around you working with Hatena's aliens completing puzzles along the way consisting of numbered blocks. The interesting... Read more...

September 17, 2000

No More Super Gameboy?

by Billy Berghammer - 10:26 am EDT
Source: Nintendo of Europe

Nintendo of Europe has some startling news.

Looks like there will be no need for a Wide Boy 64, or more commonly used, Super Gameboy. It was never a known fact that you would be able to play your GB, GBC, or GBA games on your GameCube...until now.

According to the official Nintendo of Europe site, "...you can play all existing Game Boy... Read more...

September 16, 2000

Romero Digs the Cube

by Jonathan Metts - 3:27 pm EDT
Source: JohnRomero.com

John Romero, the developer of classic Id games such as Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake & unforgettable Ion Storm failures like Daikatana, is interested in NGC.

Well this just kind of fell into my lap, but it's pretty cool nonetheless. A friend of mine mentioned JohnRomero.com to me this morning, so I went and had a look around...and ended up emailing him, just for the heck of it. What do you know, he replied! Of course, I asked him what he thought of GameCube, and here's what he said:


September 15, 2000

Square rumblings... GC

by Jonathan Metts - 6:16 pm EDT
Source: Videogames.com

Square says good things about GameCube to the folks at Videogames.com.

The bad news: Square still hasn't confirmed anything regarding GameCube development. The great news: they haven't ruled it out, and they even think the GameCube is good for the industry. Videogames.com took the initiative to call up the famed developer and ask just what's up. The rep told them, "...Square... Read more...

September 14, 2000

Bustin' out some Belmont GBA

by Jonathan Metts - 9:46 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is announced for the Gameboy Advance, and the masses rejoice!

It looks like Konami's classic franchise Castlevania is on its way to Game Boy Advance, thanks to a report by "we're ultra-cool because we update in the morning" FGNOnline. The game is slated to appear at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show in about a week. No word yet on whether the gameplay will be set... Read more...

September 13, 2000

Return of the Jedis GC

by Jonathan Metts - 8:42 pm EDT
Source: IGNcube

The 2nd half of IGNcube's 2 part interview with Perrin Kaplan and Jim Merrick of NOA.

IGNcube has put up Part 2 of its big interview with Perrin Kaplan and Jim Merrick of NOA. There a few juicy bits amidst all the banter and dodging...

- It seems that the GameCube's mini-optical disk may be used in future systems...maybe even a handheld. While not confirming anything, of course, Merrick asserts that "...Nintendo doesn't want to invest in a media format for the short term."



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