Author Topic: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold  (Read 27143 times)

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2009, 05:58:11 PM »
We could start a thread that is updated with new releases every week, similar to TJ Spyke's VC/WW release thread.
If I were allowed to use information from GameFAQs, I could maintain this.

Offline King of Twitch

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2009, 06:00:10 PM »
Wouldn't something like that get messy? How about a scrolling marquee for the front page
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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #52 on: November 02, 2009, 06:02:26 PM »
Not if it is maintained properly. I'll throw together a mock up of how I picture it tonight after work if you'd like to see it.
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Offline UltimatePartyBear

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #53 on: November 02, 2009, 06:45:15 PM »
On that note, if someone has any game-winning ideas of how to do a weekly release article where it isn't such a drain on the staff, PM me. Hell, if you guys want to help out in any way, shape, or form, I'd be all for that.

Couldn't this be mostly automated based on the site's release date list and art archives?  All the relevant links and box art could be formatted by a script.  You shouldn't have to do anything more than write up a blurb about each game, and even that could be pulled from the game info page if you wanted.  It would require someone making sure the release dates and archives are correct, but that should already be a goal.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #54 on: November 02, 2009, 07:16:53 PM »
So Dead Space Extraction is actually a prequel?  Can someone re-confirm this for EA for me?

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2009, 07:58:32 PM »
I felt that this was the best point made in the round table:

If I own a Wii and a 360/PS3 and can buy Dead Space, why on earth would I even bother with Dead Space Extraction (unless I'm a raging Dead Space fanboy who must have every game in the franchise)? If I can buy CoD4: Modern Warfare, why would I even bother with The Conduit? I could go on and on. Nobody is going to buy a mature title on Wii if they can get a better-looking version - with the addition of kick-ass online play, in most cases - of a similar game on 360/PS3. It's just not gonna happen.

Imagine there was just one console and every console game was available for it.  How would Dead Space Extraction be received if this one universal console already had Dead Space?  Extraction would come across as a recycled content scam.  Well that's what it is and the target market for that is smart enough to realize it.  I don't buy any of these Wii spin-offs, not because of reviews or popular opinion, but entirely because I know what they really are.  I know they're just a half-assed attempt to get some product on Wii shelves that has a known brand name on it.  They probably wouldn't even be made if there was one universal console.

So these low sales make sense.  And they don't prove that the Wii userbase doesn't buy this or that.  These are games that would be considered a laughable release if their was only one console so they deserve to sell poorly.

When someone releases a game that would be a huge runaway hit on the other consoles and has a marketing push and gets great reviews and it BOMBS on the Wii, okay, now we've got something to look at.  But this?  This is like pitting a high school football team against an NFL team, getting creamed, and then firing the highschool team's coach because he lost.  It's not a fair comparison.

Spyborgs has an average review score of 65.12%.  It's crap.  Who cares if it only sold 500 copies?

Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2009, 09:40:50 PM »

Are you certain that the graphics are the only difference between Dead Space and Dead Space Extraction or The Conduit and CoD4? I distinctly remember Dead Space being an entirely different genre from DSE and The Conduit being a fairly ****ty game while CoD4 was crowned GOTY by many publications. That sounds like a much bigger difference than just the graphical fidelity.

It's not just the graphics.  It's the whole package.  Many Wii games are simply gimped by comparison to their 360/PS3 brethren in every other area as well.  Ironically, while you write off The Conduit as a "shitty game", it actually has one of the best online implementations on the console, as sad as that is.  As for Dead Space, I suppose it would depend on what type of game somebody is looking for, but I'd wager that most people just look at the graphics for each and say, "I'll take the 360 version, thanks", without even knowing they're different types of games.  CoD4 is likely in the same boat.

"Eternally" apparently meaning "when it fits the argument" because I've never seen any believable claim that the PS2 is more powerful than either of its competitors. Last gen the argument went that Square Enix will eternally only support the market leader.

PS2 vs. Xbox/GameCube is not the same as Wii vs. 360/PS3.  The technological disparity in the former is minor, while the same disparity in the latter is major.  It's simply not the same comparison.

I'll have to call citation needed on that because I got the impression that the graphics were just icing on the vastly improved gameplay compared to previous Resident Evil games. Just making the assumption that people demand better graphics doesn't make it so, without proper data we cannot say if RE5 wouldn't have sold just as much with less advanced graphics (and better aiming controls).

It certainly would have sold well on Wii (million-plus easily), but I think the ceiling there is lower than on 360/PS3.  I don't think that gamers demanding better graphics is "an assumption", either, especially among the gamers looking for titles like RE5.  Graphics generally matter to gamers, but they generally don't matter to non-gamers.  That's why the Wii has done so well with effectively last-gen graphics, because of its large non-gamer audience that simply doesn't care.

Anyone giving a **** about what developers want is also a new argument just for this generation. I distinctly remember developers wanting to get the **** away from the PS2 (because it was EXTREMELY clunky and had tons of hidden pitfalls) but PS2 game development kept happening while XBox and Gamecube development stagnated. Developers are salaried employees whose job it is to develop the product management deems necessary, they don't get a say in the platform choice unless they're massive celebrities who have a reputation of knowing how to make a profitable game (and even then they tend to get ignored on that aspect). I'm pretty damn certain management would rather not see their employees challenged because that means more man-hours necessary to deliver the product (and possibly a need for more skilled labour, i.e. higher salaries).

Yes, developers are employees.  But at higher levels they must also make the choice between making a WiiCube game with 2001 tech, or making a PS3/360 game with current tech.  If what the TEAM wants to do is push graphical boundaries, they're going to choose 360/PS3 since that's their only choice.

Jun Takeuchi:

'The Wii has taken such a large lead in sales, and Resident Evil 4 did so well on the Wii. It's also cheaper to develop games for the Wii. With that in mind, why is this a PS3 and Xbox 360 exclusive title? Was that a creative decision?

Yes. It certainly was a decision from myself and from the development team that we really wanted to push the next part of the series as far as it could be pushed. That included the graphical aspect of the game. So that was the reason that we went with the 360 and the PS3."

Wow, developers are creative, and care about the tools they use?  And there's more to a platform choice than simply development costs?  Who would have thunk it?

I really suggest you read up on the Blue Ocean Strategy and Disruptive Innovation, the lower graphics investment was a necessary part of the Wii's success and they would have failed had they spent much more on that (overspending on graphics beyond what the customer cares about was the weakness Nintendo exploited to beat the incumbents). If you want to conjecture on Nintendo's intentions at LEAST read up on what their plan is.

How would they have failed?  They only would have made less money on hardware.  They could have spent more on the graphical hardware and still made money, but they saw the opportunity to make even more money by keeping it 2001-style and took it.  Very smart on their part; they saw exactly what they could get away with, and capitalized on it by combining it with some controller gimmickry.

What interests? Making a quick buck with bull****? Resident Evil and Call of Duty aren't the only core market franchises that have a legacy to call upon, I'm pretty damn sure if they made for the Wii what sold on the PS2 they'd have success, just noone really tries that (mot PS2 ports are of games that DIDN'T sell on the PS2) and that's just the laziest possible approach.

Why would they when they can make improved versions of those games on PS3/360.  If you've already done a game in a franchise on the PS2, why would you want to make effectively the same game again?  The public has already been there, done you think that the same thing all over again would sell better (outside of Madden)?  I don't.

They could have made Wii Fit but they had to wait for Nintendo to come around and show them how it's done (and leaving only table scraps for them).

Nintendo creates hardware to serve their own design needs first, everybody else second (this goes all the way back to the creation of N64 controller, which was basically made for Super Mario 64).  If devs can do something with Nintendo hardware that's cool, but Nintendo isn't concerned if they can't.  There's always that little, I dunno, I guess you could say "conflict of interest" there with Nintendo from way back.  Nobody but Nintendo could absorb the risk of Wii Fit and its asinine peripheral, aside from maybe Activison.  And they have their own cash-cow peripheral-based franchise.

Couldn't this be mostly automated based on the site's release date list and art archives?  All the relevant links and box art could be formatted by a script.  You shouldn't have to do anything more than write up a blurb about each game, and even that could be pulled from the game info page if you wanted.  It would require someone making sure the release dates and archives are correct, but that should already be a goal.

This is coming.  I can't tell you exactly when, but it is coming.

So these low sales make sense.  And they don't prove that the Wii userbase doesn't buy this or that.  These are games that would be considered a laughable release if their was only one console so they deserve to sell poorly.

But was MadWorld so terrible?  Was The Conduit?  Was Dead Space Extraction?  Sure, those games aren't setting the world on fire, but they aren't Superman 64 either.  It's like if a mature game comes out on Wii and doesn't sell, the game is automatically garbage because, well, good games sell right?  And it's always the third-party developer's fault right?  I don't buy that, at least not entirely.

To me, the only third-party games that will really do big numbers on Wii are the mega-franchises like Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter.  I think the bar is set incredibly high for third-parties to get good sales on Wii; no wonder third-parties give half-assed efforts, since people would probably only buy Mario Whatever and Wii Whatsit anyways.  Nintendo is your biggest competitor, and since they designed the system to suit their needs, the deck is stacked in their favor.

No wonder developers like WiiWare so much; it's the only part of the Wii platform that isn't dominated by Nintendo's own titles.
Jon Lindemann
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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #57 on: November 02, 2009, 11:21:37 PM »
One small gripe with Lindy's post: It's not a choice between 8-year old hardware and current hardware; it's a choice between 8-year old hardware and 4-year old hardware. If they really wanted to push the limit they'd be making PC games.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #58 on: November 02, 2009, 11:43:06 PM »
Quote from: Lindy
Why would they when they can make improved versions of those games on PS3/360.  If you've already done a game in a franchise on the PS2, why would you want to make effectively the same game again?  The public has already been there, done you think that the same thing all over again would sell better (outside of Madden)?  I don't.

What is being done on the PS360 that can't be done on Wii besides Hi-res textures? What about the games being made on PS360 are impossible to accomplish on Wii except for Hi-rez textures? What is being done on PS360 this generation that wasn't being done on PS2/Xbox/GC last gen? Why does the Wii have to only get a spin-off version of the game instead of the exact same game without the Hi-rez textures? Why does Hi-rez textures all of a sudden make a game so much better? How is it not the exact same thing just because it has hi-rez textures now?

Offline NWR_Lindy

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #59 on: November 03, 2009, 12:29:43 AM »
What is being done on the PS360 that can't be done on Wii besides Hi-res textures?

If you want to follow that logic, you could do PS3/360 games on the N64, but they wouldn't have the same impact, would they?  Gameplay is great, but gameplay and an amazing visual presentation is even better.  Why compromise?  That's my point...the Wii forces developers to compromise to a certain degree.  Not all developers want to do that, especially the ones with the best graphics engine programmers in the world.  If the creators of RE5, a franchise that has sold millions worldwide, says to you "We think our vision for this game is best realized on PS3/360", I think you'd tend to believe them.
Jon Lindemann
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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #60 on: November 03, 2009, 12:39:00 AM »
Artistic vision aside, developers are treating the Wii like the games they are making for PS360 are not possible on a SD machine, yet bring games like GTA to the PSP. If they can do RE4 on GC and Halo on Xbox, then they can bring the same games over to the Wii and not some on-rails spin off that no one really wanted and call it a "test" just to get us to buy it anyway.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #61 on: November 03, 2009, 01:07:44 AM »
What is being done on the PS360 that can't be done on Wii besides Hi-res textures?

If you want to follow that logic, you could do PS3/360 games on the N64, but they wouldn't have the same impact, would they?  Gameplay is great, but gameplay and an amazing visual presentation is even better.  Why compromise?  That's my point...the Wii forces developers to compromise to a certain degree.  Not all developers want to do that, especially the ones with the best graphics engine programmers in the world.  If the creators of RE5, a franchise that has sold millions worldwide, says to you "We think our vision for this game is best realized on PS3/360", I think you'd tend to believe them.

And the Xbox 360 and PS3 controllers don't make developers compromise?  Sure, the Wii Remote isn't freedom from control issues, but there's a lot that can be done with it, a lot more than before, specifically in the FPS realm.

The upsetting thing here, Lindy, is exactly the point BNM was making a little above:  If developers are having to compromise on the Wii, what exactly is being compromised?  Why didn't they mind compromising with the PS2?  If the Wii is so terribly under-powered, why are games like Halo, Ico, and all the hits from last generation even considered anything above "decent."  When you look at it, in most cases, developers are doing nothing different than before, which is why I think having to "compromise" using the Wii is a poor reason to neglect it.

I also see the typical controller as a big barrier between people and "realistic" games, though.  Maybe that's why I do appreciate a lot with the Wii.

Offline Killer_Man_Jaro

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #62 on: November 03, 2009, 02:32:54 AM »
Agreed 100 per cent, BnM2k1. Developers who claim they cannot produce their artistic vision (read: realistic visuals) on the Wii are rotten liars. After seeing Monster Hunter Tri, all complaints about "restrictive hardware" and "limited capabilities" are out the window. There's no way to shift the blame any more, no way.
This is why I don't get arguments that Nintendo force developers to compromise. That clearly isn't true - it is a matter of laziness on the part of third parties, pure and simple. If a dev wanted to create these nice graphics, they could. When any company starts making excuses, from now on I can throw Monster Hunter 3 in their face. That's what the Wii is capable of, so don't spout rubbish and tell me it's not possible.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 02:35:21 AM by Killer_Man_Jaro »
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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #63 on: November 03, 2009, 04:07:26 AM »
Ironically, while you write off The Conduit as a "shitty game", it actually has one of the best online implementations on the console, as sad as that is.

Really? I got better online play out of an 800 point WiiWare game (Water Warfare). Sure, it didn't have Wii Speak but it also didn't lag like **** as The Conduit does.

As for Dead Space, I suppose it would depend on what type of game somebody is looking for, but I'd wager that most people just look at the graphics for each and say, "I'll take the 360 version, thanks", without even knowing they're different types of games.  CoD4 is likely in the same boat.

You're assuming an absolutely uninformed customer who only knows what's on the back of the box (if you take the front of the box into account DSE loses BIG and at that level of ignorance I'd expect the front of the box to have more impact) and has never heard an opinion from anybody else (such as the raving for CoD4) or of the actual content inside the games (you'd have to be really uninformed to not know DSE is a different genre from DS). Now without data we cannot make claims about how many people are THIS uninformed but word of mouth propagation is STRONG on the Wii (as evidenced by the concentrated sales, the more people buy and like it, the more people they recruit to buy it too) and I don't think many people would be looking at games they have never heard an opinion about. Think about it: Person A buys CoD4, loves it and recommends it to all his friends. Person B buys The Conduit and is underwhelmed by it, if he even talks about it it's probably about the disappointment. If you want a fair comparison try finding similarily crappy or niche games on the PS360. E.g. how much did Infernal: Hell's Vengeance or Legendary sell?

PS2 vs. Xbox/GameCube is not the same as Wii vs. 360/PS3.  The technological disparity in the former is minor, while the same disparity in the latter is major.  It's simply not the same comparison.

And? They didn't care about the graphics hardware last gen and everybody said they'd always be loyal to the market leader. Now it's suddenly a "rule" that graphics matter more than marketshare.

It certainly would have sold well on Wii (million-plus easily), but I think the ceiling there is lower than on 360/PS3.  I don't think that gamers demanding better graphics is "an assumption", either, especially among the gamers looking for titles like RE5.  Graphics generally matter to gamers, but they generally don't matter to non-gamers.  That's why the Wii has done so well with effectively last-gen graphics, because of its large non-gamer audience that simply doesn't care.

That's a ton of assumptions. What I mean with "demand" is that they'll say "I won't buy this because it lacks X". Of course graphics are nice to have, I'm not going to refuse to buy a game because it's pretty but would RE5 on the Wii make many people think "it's not pretty enough, I will not buy it"? Non-gamers are impressed by awesome graphics just as much as anybody else but they weren't gamers before because it wasn't the ugly graphics that turned them away, it was the game underneath. On average HD games cost 2.5 times as much to develop so the same return on investment would require selling 2.5 times as many copies as it would on the Wii. You say RE5 would sell less on the Wii but would it sell 60% less? Also how many people would decide to buy it because it has better controls on the Wii? If the number of sales lost to weaker graphics minus the number of sales gained through better controls is less than 60% of the sales of RE5 on the HD systems then making it a Wii exclusive would have made it more profitable.

Yes, developers are employees.  But at higher levels they must also make the choice between making a WiiCube game with 2001 tech, or making a PS3/360 game with current tech.  If what the TEAM wants to do is push graphical boundaries, they're going to choose 360/PS3 since that's their only choice.

The team is just a bunch of grunts assigned to one unit for easier management. It's still the "suits" that make the calls of where money gets invested and where not. If you give financial decisions to people with no business sense (like developers) you're going bankrupt. Last gen it was commonplace that developers complained about being forced to develop games for platforms they didn't want to work on and the "suits" messing with their "artistic vision" and suddenly everyone talks about how important it is that those grunts approve of a platform? Noone ever gave a **** about what the grunts want, they do what they're told to do or they're unemployed. It's the managers who decided to make HD games, if the grunts happen to agree that's just a coincidence.

How would they have failed?  They only would have made less money on hardware.  They could have spent more on the graphical hardware and still made money, but they saw the opportunity to make even more money by keeping it 2001-style and took it.  Very smart on their part; they saw exactly what they could get away with, and capitalized on it by combining it with some controller gimmickry.

They'd also incur an additional 150% cost increase on every game they develop and need a higher price on the hardware and a loss of GC backwards compatibility. Even if they had boosted the graphics a bit, they would still have been far behind the 360 (because the 360 was built to be sold at a loss even at its 400€ launch price, no way Nintendo could get close to that with the increased controller expenses and whatnot) and developers would still call it impossible to port and still throw PSP ports on it (the PSP is MUCH weaker than the Wii yet it is considered acceptable to port that way!). Additionally Nintendo would not have gained additional sales to make up for the reduced profit per sale (in part because the Wii sold at an unprecedented rate until Nintendo fucked up with the whole user generated content mess and whatnot that led to a massive software drought). The Wii's sales limiter is still not the hardware but the software.

Why would they when they can make improved versions of those games on PS3/360.  If you've already done a game in a franchise on the PS2, why would you want to make effectively the same game again?  The public has already been there, done you think that the same thing all over again would sell better (outside of Madden)?  I don't.

Almost every franchise out there had multiple iterations last gen so that's clearly not stopping them. Think about it, 3 GTAs, 3 Prince of Persias, 2 God of Wars, 2 Halos, 2 Devil May Crys and many more that I can't even remember. Sequels differ from the previous game in way more than just the graphics.

Nintendo creates hardware to serve their own design needs first, everybody else second (this goes all the way back to the creation of N64 controller, which was basically made for Super Mario 64).  If devs can do something with Nintendo hardware that's cool, but Nintendo isn't concerned if they can't.  There's always that little, I dunno, I guess you could say "conflict of interest" there with Nintendo from way back.  Nobody but Nintendo could absorb the risk of Wii Fit and its asinine peripheral, aside from maybe Activison.  And they have their own cash-cow peripheral-based franchise.

Didn't stop the DDR pads and all the other fitness peripherals. Also the "conflict of interest" and absorbing the risk is a non-sequitur, what exactly makes Nintendo more capable of absorbing that risk that's part of the Wii's design (instead of their company structure/strategy which any smart company could replicate)?

To me, the only third-party games that will really do big numbers on Wii are the mega-franchises like Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter.

How does that compare to other systems? What about, say, Mirror's Edge?

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #64 on: November 03, 2009, 08:23:25 AM »
Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Little Big Planet, Uncharted...

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #65 on: November 03, 2009, 10:59:26 AM »
Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Mass Effect, Gears of War, Little Big Planet, Uncharted...

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

What are you saying? That if I load these games up on my PS360 which happens to be hooked up to a 20" CRTV all of sudden it will be unplayable because I don't have rich crisp HD graphics!?

thats an excellent point :rolleyes:

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #66 on: November 03, 2009, 11:09:30 AM »
I'm saying that there have been games which have succeeded on other platforms which are not tied to an established franchise. 
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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #67 on: November 03, 2009, 11:18:10 AM »
Regardless of the reasoning behind it, I don't see the situation on the Wii getting much better without significant effort from Nintendo, not necessarily with moneyhats but some kind of strong involvement in the process. For that to happen, though, Nintendo has to want it to happen, and there's no good reason for them to want it to happen (from Nintendo's perspective).

I generally try to avoid agreeing with Ian, but a while back he made the point that it may not be a good thing that Nintendo was able to return to dominance completely on their own; as impressive as that feat was, they never had to change the way they dealt with third parties, which may prevent them from holding on to the top spot.
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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #68 on: November 03, 2009, 11:32:12 AM »
Why should Nintendo have to hold 3rd parties hands?
They already gave them a platform that has reached 50+million homes and is the cheapest to develop for.
Now Nintendo has to do some of the developing for the 3rd parties to? Are they also gonna publish it and market it for them too? Why would you need them at all if you are gonna go that far?

It's not Nintendo's fault that 3rd parties continueto hold a grudge for no apparent reason. Reggie has reached out, Iwata has reached out yet 3rd parties continue to show up to Nintendo's costume party in plain clothes and try to find excuses to leave early so they can put their elaborate and expensive costumes on to goto the PS2/Xbox PS360 party instead. How far must Nintendo "compromise" & "sympathize" with a bunch of 3rd parties that refuse to try because they would rather be somewhere else at the moment?

Nintendo has proved this generation, last generation and the generation before that they will do it with or without them, so why beg for their support now?

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #69 on: November 03, 2009, 11:37:30 AM »
I remain unconvinced that a significant portion of that 50 million userbase is actually interested in purchasing video games that are developed with video gamers in mind.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #70 on: November 03, 2009, 11:44:33 AM »
even if it's only half, that's still comparable to PS3 or 360 individually with less invested cost from conception to market.

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #71 on: November 03, 2009, 11:47:58 AM »
A fair point, but personally I think it's less than half.  There's no way to know, but that's my opinion based on the people I know that own a Wii.
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Offline KDR_11k

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #72 on: November 03, 2009, 01:16:11 PM »
I remain unconvinced that a significant portion of that 50 million userbase is actually interested in purchasing video games that are developed with video gamers in mind.

Provided you don't consider those 50 million videogame system owners and users videogamers, eh?

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #73 on: November 03, 2009, 01:20:22 PM »
My parents own a Wii.  They are not gamers.  They will probably play nothing on the system besides Wii Sports.  I know two people from work who bought a Wii simply for Wii Fit, and have bought no other titles besides Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics.   I don't consider them gamers.  I remain unconvinced that even 50% of the Wii Install Base are traditional gamers who are interested in traditional video games.

I think it's probably likely that the number of traditional gamers playing traditional games on Wii might even be smaller than the number who played on Gamecube.  Part of the reason for this is that a lot of gamers DO find high resolution visuals and online play compelling, and they wanted a system where that was a sure bet.  I think there are probably fewer Nintendo-only console gamers this generation than the previous.

This is all conjecture, as I've never seen any real data to go one way or the other.  The only numbers we have are how many Wiis are in homes, and given how hard Nintendo has pushed their marketing AWAY from gamers, I find this number to be fairly unrelated to the number of GAMERS who are willing to purchase traditional games on Wii.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 01:27:05 PM by NWR_DrewMG »
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Offline NWR_Neal

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Re: TALKBACK: NWR Round-Table 3: 500 Copies Sold
« Reply #74 on: November 03, 2009, 01:24:41 PM »
My parents own a Wii.  They are not gamers.  They will probably play nothing on the system besides Wii Sports.  I know two people from work who bought a Wii simply for Wii Fit, and have bought no other titles besides Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics.   I don't consider them gamers.  I think that more than 50% of the Wii Install Base are traditional gamers who are interested in traditional video games.

I've got to agree with this.

This is the first video game system ever that my parents have actually played often. It's also the first system I've ever considered getting for them at some point.
Neal Ronaghan
Director, NWR

"Fungah! Foiled again!"