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August 31, 2000

One Quick thing... GC

by Billy Berghammer - 8:33 pm EDT

Billy defends the GC's design...

The GameCube is NOT ugly! I am so sick of people saying this thing is F&*king ugly. Guess what! It's really hard to explain this, but once you see a GameCube up close, I think you'll be impressed.

I will admit, when they first showed everyone the GameCube, I was kind of shocked. Almost Mortified.... Read more...

Sega Stank Ass?

by Billy Berghammer - 6:53 pm EDT
Source: Get some for your Woman!

In a suprising move, Sega has developed a new French perfume!

Interesting, and funny news story that UKResistance posted about Sega releasing a new Fragrance! It's another "funny-ha ha" story Ty dug up. Man I wish I had that much time to dig up things like this. I would be playing Mario Tennis! Here's the slop...

To capitalise on the massive success* of...

Advancing the Army GBA

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:33 pm EDT
Source: FGNonline

The little green men come to the GBA.

The ever popular Army Men series of videogames, published by 3D0, have made appearances of a variety of platforms, everything from GBC to N64 and Playstation. 3DO, looking to continue the success of the series, have made plans to bring the Army Men franchise to the Game Boy Advance. The specifics... Read more...

August 30, 2000

Dragons Flyin'? GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 5:26 pm EDT
Source: FGN Online

I bet this Spyro Dragon news story could fit right here!

The fourth Spyro the Dragon title is hitting GBA, and should be available sometime in 2002. No word yet if Spyro will be coming to a GameCube near you. Spyro will also be ported to PlayStation 2, Xbox, and PC.


Video in all flavors! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 5:21 pm EDT
Source: GameSpot

Who wants more Spaceworld video coverage? I DO! I DO!

Game Spot has posted the Press Event in almost every flavor imaginable. If you haven't gotten enough of the GameCube - GBA footage, or just want to see it again for the first time...head on over there. Very cool stuff!


1 Million Served!

by Billy Berghammer - 10:05 am EDT

Wow! We're like the McDonalds of the Nintendo sites!

Yeah boy! We've had our 1 millionth visitor here at PlanetN2000! Woohoo! Thanks to you the readers for your support! And of course, special thanks to the amazing PlanetStaffers for all of their hard work over the years. If it wasn't for you, none of this would be possible.

In celebration, while...

August 29, 2000

GBA vs. Bandai

by Kosta Andreadis - 6:06 am EDT
Source: FGN Online

Uh oh, Nintendo! Watch out for Bandai!

Just when it looked like the Gameboy Advance had the playing field all to itself, it looks like it may indeed face some competition. Online reports are speculating that Bandai are to unveil a new color handheld to compete directly with the GBA. The system is rumored to be cheaper than Nintendo's handheld... Read more...

GameCube a Big Hit.... GC

by Ty Shughart - 12:54 am EDT
Source: Somethingawful

Looks like we're not the only ones who are thrilled with the GameCube!

Don't get the wrong idea, this is all in jest. :) Click for the whole, uh, story.

"Look at that, maw! It's like a purdy purple box! Like the box the toaster came in!" exclaimed Eddie "Scooter" McDavis, a stupid ----ing idiot who was recently hospitalized for drinking a gallon of window cleaner.... Read more...

August 28, 2000

Three Versions, One Date

by Michael Cole - 12:39 am EDT
Source: Namco Japan

Namco is being completely unbiased with its two main franchises.



Miyamoto Transcript! GC

by Kosta Andreadis - 12:35 am EDT
Source: Gamers.com

For the bandwith-challenged, the Miyamoto press conference is now up in text form.

That's right folks, the Miyamoto Spaceworld 2000 press interview session has all been converted into text by the hardworkers at Gamers.com. Hit the link above to read the full thing as Miyamoto, discusses everything from loading times to why the GameCube is the "ultimate games machine".

The quote of the interview definitely puts a smile on your face.


August 27, 2000

Billy's Post-Show Thoughts

by Billy Berghammer - 9:59 pm EDT

In the end all I had was my memories, but boy what an experience it was. Here's my final breakdown of all I saw and thought...

First off, at this period of time I would say that my clock was totally screwed up. I had been there for 24 hours already, slept a few hours, and still didn’t feel normal. Also, the lack of Mountain Dew in Japan did drive me partially insane. Bocari Sweat (Japanese Sports Drink) didn't quite... Read more...

Goodbye Space World!

by Billy Berghammer - 3:27 pm EDT

Billy writes up a real tear-jerker!

Yes, Space World went faster than...er...Pokemon Popsicles on a hot Japan day. It was truly a remarkable event! Yes, unfortunately it's all over. Impressions still coming! Adam from TB and I got sucked into the wonderful city of Akikhabra, which is Japan's Electronics capital, and blew a crapload... Read more...

August 26, 2000

SW - Day #3

by Billy Berghammer - 4:06 pm EDT

Billy talks about the third and final day of Space World.

7:37am Japan Time - Good morning again folks! It's Day #3 of Space World, and today we will be feeding you most of our impressions of GBA games. I didn't get a chance to post my impressions yesterday due to the fact we did a little sight seeing and shopping. Still no 64DD anywhere, and no freakin' Mountain Dew. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. I'm going to ask our connections with Nintendo if they know why there aren't any available. Very odd.


August 25, 2000

Billy Speaks

by Ty Shughart - 9:55 am EDT

Ty talks to Billy and gets some stuff on Billy's Space World experience so far.

A had a chat with our tired-as-hell Editor in Chief just now, here's what he had to say:

"No mountain dew here .... did drink some weird green imposter tho"

Now, seriously, this is what I've got to post. Almost exactly what Billy said, just edited for clarity. Some pretty important things, so look alive:


Tech Demo Movies

by Ty Shughart - 4:30 am EDT
Source: Daily Radar

2 impressive GameCube demos on video!

Here's a couple tech demo movies from the big show, as seen on Daily Radar. I'd particularly like to draw your attention to the forest demo, probably the most impressive movie yet. I think it could be realtime, while Steven doesn't seem to buy it. What do you think?

Forest DemoCar Demo


August 24, 2000

Billy's Day 1 Impressions

by Billy Berghammer - 9:59 pm EDT

After picking my jaw up off the floor when the Gamecube presentation was made it was off to play some GBA demos!

Nothing much more to say than WOW! Here's some write-ups on two games I was able to demo on the show floor:

Mario Kart Advance

The second I got done taking pictures of GBA and GameCube systems, I rushed over to give Mario Kart Advance a whirl. They had a couple of 4-player setups to rage... Read more...

SW: Day #1 Begins!

by Billy Berghammer - 4:29 pm EDT

Billy brings us up to speed from Japan!

Good Morning all! 8:15am Japan Time. I'm on my way to the show for Day #1 of Space World! Can you dig it?

We had a little server trouble earlier, but that seems to be resolved for the time being. If you are linking to our media, or pictures, please link directly to PlanetN2000.com, and not just to the file. Thank you!


Movies Galore! GC

by Billy Berghammer - 9:26 am EDT

So... You say that you want to see the GameCube demo reels, eh? Well... Come on in!

Movies brutha! We got 'em! Granted I wouldn't of minded seeing a crapload more of GameCube footage, but from what we got to see in motion made me fill 'dem Depends. And we're bringin' the Depend fillin' action to you!

Here's Three Fresh new MPEG's (yeah real video sucks) for ya!

Click HERE for Wave Race! C'mon say it with me...WAVE RACE! Woohoo!


MKA-Quick thoughts GBA

by Billy Berghammer - 9:02 am EDT

Billy jots down some stuff about Mario Kart Advance.

The second I got done taking pictures of GBA and GameCube systems, I rushed over to give Mario Kart Advance a whirl. They had a couple of 4-player setups to rage on. So, of course, I felt obligated to fire it up. If you are a Mario Kart fan, or just a racing game fan, this game will not dissapoint you a bit.


E3 2001: Bloodbath GC

by Justin Nation - 4:19 am EDT

Billy happens to mention that E3 2001 will be heaven.

You heard it here first folks, Billy sent me this message and said it had to go up, that he'd forgotten to mention it. Apparently the word is that all of these Gamecube demo games will be playable at E3 next year... meaning you have to figure at least half of them will actually make it. Regardless,... Read more...


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